Launch DWT 23800 cargo ship into Yanster river with marine air bags
admin:admin time:2010-11-13
Eversfae marine engineering company successfully launched a DWT 23800 Cargo Ship into Yanster river by using marine airbags ship launching technology On 4th November.
That cargo ship named “Chang An 189” with 158 meters length and 23.8 meters molded breadth weighs 6,000 tons. It was built on a 1/70 concrete ramp. November is the dry season of Yangster River then water level can not reach the needed launch level. Eversafe engineers had to find the best launch position by calculation and tested launch project by model experiments. The calculation data and experiments results were presented to China MSA (Maritime Safety Administration) with proposed launch plan. Then Eversafe marine engineering company was approved to do the launch project.
Total 46 pieces ship launching airbags (1.5 meters diameter by 18 meters length) were employed to launch the “Chang An 189” cargo ship. To admend the low water level, that ship was moved to water for 25 meters before the launch. The inclined angle of ship was carefully adjusted to the demanded point then by a start push force the ship began to move with the rolling of airbags and entered into water slowly. It took 90 seconds from the ship’s start to full float.
The success of ship launching with marine airbags at low water level indicates the flexibilty and safety of this ship launch technology. Sometimes people can use different diameters airbags to increase or decrease the ships tilted angle to suit the different launch water level or control the launch speed.